Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We asked Billy Reid, the CFDA winning men’s and women’s wear designer, to fill in the blanks on our pre-fashion week questionnaire.  His answers, below!
I’m looking forward to seeing: What all the editors and our friends are wearing.
When I have a free minute I will: Call home and catch up with my family.

I’m so excited for the world to see: How we’ve been expanding our collection to include more tailored, more luxe elements and tons of outerwear.
If I did my music I’d play: …it very loud! I’m actually very involved in the music selection and production and it is something I love doing. We are working on a more dramatic approach, as the show is later in the evening and in a beautiful raw setting.
The party I won’t miss is: The one after our show. Unfortunately, I’m usually so fried after the show that I go into heavy chill mode. Boring!
I will eat this everyday: Take out Thai.
You’ll know I’m exhausted when: When I say, “Just let me rest my eyes here for 10 minutes.”
My caffeinated beverage of choice: Think coffee, red-eye, black.
I won’t leave home without: A fully charged iPhone.
My preferred mode of transportation is: Walking, but taxis will be in full force this week. We’re downtown, and most of our sample making is in the Garment Center, so there’s a ton of back and forth.

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